our new & improved vending machine

Spectral BNF

Large Deposit Capacity Bunch Note Feeder

NV9 Spectral

Enhanced Sensing Technology


Compact Stackerless Banknote Validator


Market Leading, Compact Note Recycler

SMART Hopper

Multi-Coin Hopper & Recycler

our new & improved vending machine

Vending Machine Manufacturer and Supplier in India

Chevend is a one stop shop for all vending solutions in India. Chevend is a Leading vending machine manufacturer & supplier in India. we provide all kinds of vending machine like Snack and beverages vending machine, cold drink vending machine, Magazine and Newspaper vending machine, Health care vending machine and all other types Vending Machine.

About us

CHEVEND TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD is part of the prestigious Chevron Metal Products Group.
Chevend is the proud pioneer of the Automatic Vending Concept in India. Having diversified into related areas Chevend now serves customers across India and the Middle East.

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